Tuesday, March 27, 2012

PTSD & ME (Acceptance is The 1st Step)

Posttraumatic stress disorder is an anxiety disorder resulting from a traumatic event. A traumatic event is something that's happened to you that is horrible. During this event, you feel no control over what is happening. 

Anyone who has experienced one of these life-threatening events can develop PTSD. These events may include combat or military experience, exposure to human remains, terrorists attacks, sexual or physical abuse / assault, natural disasters, or a serious accident. Following the event, you may feel angry, scared or confused. If these feelings don't go away or they get worse, you may have PTSD. These symptoms can disrupt your life, and even make it nearly impossible to function. This may go on for years.

Symptoms include flashbacks, avoiding situations that remind you of event, feelings of hyper-arousal, or even just feeling numb(nothing). These symptoms often then lead to a host of problems including; relationship issues, feeling of despair/worthlessness, employment issues and even physical illness. It's not unusual for those suffering to turn to drugs and alcohol to relieve these symptoms.

While there are many approved therapies and medications, I've found it most helpful to share with others in group. Preferably those who've experienced similar traumas. That shared knowledge of horrendous events is somehow comforting. Knowing that I'm not alone, and that together we can get through. I hate being awake in the middle of the night, but I know that things are going to get better. I'm still here, and still moving forward.

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